April, 2022

Raise Your Own Pet
Group (Unity)


Design and implement a Pet raising AR game with Unity and AR toolkit.
The pet could walk around and create poop every random period of time. The player need to pick up the poop and interact with the pet to gain score so that they could get the new pet.
Also, if the player want to interact with the pet, a panel with status of pet and choice of interactions will apear ahead of the pet.

February, 2022

Gravity Reverse Ball Game


In this game, you could use space to reverse the gravity the ball and pass various levels.
There is also enough instruction so you don't need to worry about the way of controlling the ball.

January, 2022

The Legend of Zelda
Group (Unity)


Re-implement the dungeon 1 in The Legend of Zelda with Unity
Create a customized level with a new mechanism and a new map. In this level, the player could stun the enemy and put the enemy to the lava with their weapon.

December, 2021

Chainsaw Man
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Chainsaw Man

Developed several pages of a website with CSS, HTML and JavaScript that introduce figure setting and relationships of the main characters in Chainsaw Man.
Implement the accessibility of the webpage by considering the print mode, reduced mode and trying to make this webpage keyboard-friendly.

August, 2021

VE492: Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence

Project 1:
Build DFS, BFS, A* search algorithms seperately for pacman to find a way in maze world.
Project 2:
Implement minimax and expectimax search in multiagent pacman game.
Project 3:
Implement value iteration and Q learning in Pacman game.
Project 4:
Implement constraint satisfaction problem(CSP) solver and improve it with heuristic and inference algorithms.
Project 5:
Design Panman agents that use sensors to locate and eat invisible ghosts.

August, 2018

VG101: Introduction to
Language Programming

Project 1:
Implement a traffic light itersection by Matlab, which could set the speed of cars, the number of cars and the time of each lights.
Project 2:
Implement a Uno game with C.
Project 3(Group):
Implement a Parking lot with various car with OpenGL in C++.